Sunnah Quotes

Watermelon as mentioned in Hadith

Introduction: Hadiths in regarding to watermelon neutralizing Hot Potency with cold potency

Hazrat A’isha رضي الله عنها narrates that Nabiﷺ used to eat Watermelon (البطيخ) with Dates (الرطب) (fresh ripen dates) (tazi paki khajur)
[Tirmizi: 1843; Book. 25; Eng vol. 3; Book 23; Hadees. 1843]

Hazrat Anas رضي الله عنه narrated that Nabiﷺ ate Musk-melon (الْخِرْبِزِ) & dates (الرُّطَبِ) together.
[Shama”il Muhammadiyah: 199; Book no. 30; English Book: 29; Hadees: 190]

3. Hazrat A’isha رضي الله عنها narrated that Nabiﷺ use to eat Watermelon (البطيخ) with Dates (الرطب) & use to say, heat of the one is broken by the coolness of the other, and the coolness of the one by the heat of the other. [Abu Dawud: 3836; Book. 28; English Book. 27; Hadith. 3827]

Eating Watermelon (البطيخ) on empty stomach: –
Nabiﷺ guided that eating Watermelon (البطيخ) before meal (empty stomach) cleans the stomach & removes diseases.
[Faizul Qadeer: 10014]

It is narrated by Sayyidah Aishah  that the Prophet used to eat watermelon with dates – (At Tirmidhi)

Known benefits


Known Remedies regarding watermelons

For general health
Best time to eat watermelon is on empty stomach with dates, take 7 pieces of watermelon & 3 dates, refer page no. 10 & 11 of my book part 2; it is Sunnah to eat both together; it is best for general health, both neutralize each other thus becomes an ideal eatable, it will clean the intestine & give the required nutrition with lots of other benefits, eat once or twice a week on empty stomach.

During pregnancy
Watermelon eases heart burn, reduces swelling, morning sickness in pregnancy period, also hydrate the body, provides essential minerals & nutrition; it prevents muscles cramps, reduces risk of pre-eclampsia, it also helps in fetus bone, brain & nervous system development; Eat 7 pieces of watermelon with 1 dates twice or thrice a week for whole 9 months of pregnancy, do not apply salt on it.

For erectile dysfunctioning
Watermelon increases the blood flow in penis thus improves erection (refer contents of watermelon citrulline column written above). Eat 11 pieces of watermelon with 5 dates at 7.00 pm on empty stomach daily for 40 days. Increase the amount of melons if you get poor result, maximum 3 slices at one time with 7 dates.
For complexion
Eat 7 pieces of watermelon daily on empty stomach early morning with 1 table spoon honey daily for 11 days then alternative 11 days then once a week for 11 weeks. Rub watermelon & little extra virgin olive oil in the morning on face & cucumber & little extra virgin olive oil at evening daily for 15 days then alternative days for 40 days, wash your face with luke warm water after 15 minutes.

For weight loss
Eat 11 pieces of watermelon with 1 table spoon of extra virgin olive oil half hour before lunch (lick olive oil first & eat watermelon) & before dinner for 40 days then once before lunch for 40 days followed by alternative days for 40 days.

For Blood pressure
Eat 7 pieces of melon with 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil early morning before 7.00 am & evening 5.30 pm (lick olive oil first and eat melon); do not leave your blood pressure medicine suddenly but monitor the blood pressure daily & consult your doctor or leave the medicine gradually if blood pressure is normal continuously & monitor it daily after leaving the medicines if your BP is normal continue taking watermelon & olive oil.
For acidity & cardiac (heart) health
Lick one table spoon of extra virgin olive oil, 1 spoon of honey, 1 spoon of aloe-vera gel & drink 1 cup water on it empty stomach morning & evening 6.00 pm for 15 days or more.

For proper sleeps
Eat 7 pieces of melon, 1 almond, 1 walnut, 1 cup cow milk at night 2 hour before sleep, for 40 days; but eat your dinner sooner & light. Avoid lot of talking & mobile etc using 1 hour before sleep.

If you would like to read further about Dates we have information on this as well. We have a sister Website Halal or Haram which covers the processed foods around the World which you can eat and which you should avoid.

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