Sunnah Foods Sunnah Treatments

Pomegranate – Benefits and Virtues

Pomegranate – Benefits and Virtues – Quranic References of anaar. (POMEGRANATE)(الرمان)

Its reference in Quran is in Chapter 6 (Sura) An’am verse (aayah) no. 99 and 141. And Chapter 55 (Sura) Rahmaan verse no. 68.


One seed of JANNAT in every Rumman (Anaar): –

  1. Hazrat Anas رضي الله عنه once asked to Rasoolullah ﷺ about Rumman (الرمان) (pomegranate) (Anaar); Rasoolullah ﷺ replied that there is no Rumman (الرمان) (pomegranate)(Anaar) in which there isn’t one seed (حبة) of Jannah’s (pomegranate) Anaar (الجنة).
    [Abu Nu-aim: 363]
    (Means every Rumman (الرمان) (pomegranate) (Anaar) has one seed (حبة) of Jannah).
    2. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas رضي الله عنه had a habit, whenever he found or got a grain (حبة) of Anaar (Rumman) (pomegranate) (الرمان) he use to eat it & use to say, there is no Rumman (الرمان) (pomegranate) (Anaar) which do not have an element of Jannah (الجنة) in its grain (حبة) (dana).
    [Abu Nu-aim: 802]

Eat Internal Parda (coating) Of Rumman (Anaar): –

  1. Hazrat Ali رضي الله عنه says that Nabiﷺ said, eat Rumman (الرمان) (pomegranate) (Anaar) and its internal coating (a thin membrane like), it coats the stomach.
    [Abu Nu-aim: 365]
    (The coating acts on healing of gastric ulcers & beneficial for whole intestine).

Rumman enlightens the Qalb: –

  1. Hazrat Ali رضي الله عنه says that whoever eats Rumman (الرمان) (pomegranate) (Anaar), Allah will enlighten (noor) his Qalb (heart).
    [Abu Nu-aim: 801]

Eat Rumman to drive away the shaitaan: –

  1. It is mentioned in Abu Nuaim that anyone who eats Rumman (الرمان) (pomegranate), shaitaan runs away from him.
    [Abu Nu-aim: 363]

OTHER REFERENCES IN DEENI BOOKS: Pomegranate – Benefits and Virtues

  1. Hazrat Ibn Qayyim (r) said sweet Anaar is good for digestive system and gives strength.
    2. Anaar is hot in potency and juicy.
    3. Good for throat, lungs, chest and reliefs cough.
    4. Its juice is Laxative (induces stools), increases sexual desire, but should not be use in fevers.
    5. The sour one is good in stomach infections, increases urine output.
    6. It stops motion, diarrhea, vomiting & etc.
    7. Al Razi رضي الله عنه says that sour reduces sexual desire.
    8. Best if eaten on empty stomach.


Vitamin C, calcium, phosphates, sulphur, sodium, potassium, tannin, protein, water, iron, phosphate, manganese & etc.


  1. There are 3 types of Pomegranate – sweet, sour and slight bitter (The reddish coloured is best).
    2. The sweet one is rich in sugar, water, protein (in seeds), fibers, tannin, citric acid, minerals, iron, phosphate, sulphur, calcium, potassium, manganese, vitamin C etc.
    3. The sour one has less sugar, and more citric acid, more protein in seeds, more carbohydrates.
    4. The outer skin of it has tannic acid and is good for diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding in digestive tract.
    5. Boil the skin of it, in little water for 15 minutes on low flame, than filter it, and drink it 2 to 4 times during motions.
    6. Eat it on empty stomach, good for digestion & strengthen the heart, lungs, liver etc.
    7. Its skin is used to fix the color while dying (And also used with mehndi). (Means the Skin should be boiled in water & this water should be used).
    8. Protects from gouts (Gouts means increased uric acid in blood and collection of it in various parts of body).
    9. Good in infection like dengue, malaria, flu,
    10. Helpful in viral infection, cold, coughs, gums, mouth problems, & also reduces swelling.
    11. Good for high BP, piles,
    12. Best for colitis, anemia, arthritis, TB etc.
    13. Its flower is called as Gulnar, and good for health.
    14. Its skin root is also very helpful.
    15. It is best in pregnant, old, ill and children.
    16. Anaar Dana (dried seeds) is good for digestion and acidity.
    17. Removes weakness.
    18. Can be used all season.

SCIENCE & HADEES REGARDING POMEGRANATE:-Pomegranate – Benefits and Virtues

Hadees says that pomegranate enlightens the Qalb (heart), this is clinically proven that it is beneficial for heart disease. Pomegranate juice or pomegranates are under research for healing heart disease risk factors including reduce in LDL.
Including LDL oxidation, macrophage oxidative status, and foam cell  formation. In a limited study of hypertensive (blood pressure) patients, consumption of pomegranate juice for two weeks was shown to reduce systolic blood pressure by inhibiting serum angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE inhibitor). It has sugars, Vit. C and Iron from fruit juice, Tannic acid from rind and Alkaloid pelletierine from bark.
As Hadees mentions that it has an element of Jannah, this is only said for pomegranate fruits only, it is yet to research what chemical that might be, but it has miraculous results in treatment. And WE ALL should use them, they are rich in fibers thus cleans the digestive system. It kills bacteria also. Its outer skin & internal coating are very beneficial for health, especially its skin when boiled in water, this water helps in stopping loose motions.
The major class of phytochemical present in pomegranate is the polyphenols and includes flavonoids, condensed tannins and hydrolysable tannins. Hydrolysable tannins are predominant polyphenols found in pomegranate juice and account for 92% of its antioxidant activity. Pomegranate seeds are rich in sugars, polyunsaturated (n-3) fatty acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, polyphenols and minerals and have high antioxidant activity. When crushed and dried, the seeds produce oil with 80% punicic acid, the 18-carbon fatty acid, along with the isoflavone genistein, the phytoestrogen coumestrol and the sex steroid estrone. The seed coat of the fruit contains delphinidin-3-glucoside, delphinidin-3, 5- diglucoside, cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside, pelargonidin-3- glucoside and pelargonidin-3,5-diglucoside with delphinidin 3,5-diglucoside being the major anthocyanin in pomegranate juice

Conculsion of Hadith: –

  1. Every pomegranate has one element of Jannah in it. Eat internal coats (parda) of Anaar which is inside the fruit between lobes. It is Beneficial in disease. By eating it shaitaan run way. It enlightens the Qalb (heart).

Encyclopedia of pomegranate:-

Lesson no. 7 Pomegranate..

It is a fruit famous throughout the world for its taste, health benefits, easy available & cheap. Its Latin name is Punica granatum & its botanical family is Lythraceae. All parts of it are medicinal; it is mentioned in Quran & Hadith. In Hadith of Abu Nuaim it is mentioned that every Rumman (pomegranate) has one element of Jannah in it.

  • Quranic references of it: –

Chapter no. 6 (An-am) verse no. 99 & 141

Chapter no. 55 (Rahmaan) verse no. 68

  • NAMES:
  1. It is called Rumman (الرمان) in Hadees, Quran & Arabic.
    2. In Hindi it is called as Anaar.
    3. In Sanskrit it is called as Dadim.
    4. In Latin it is called as Puncia granatum Linn.
    5. Its family is Punicacea.
    6. In English it is called as Pomegranate.

It is mentioned in following books of Hadith (reference are also given as Hadith number) Abu Nu-aim : 363, 365, 801, 802,

  • Pomegranate tree: -Pomegranate – Benefits and Virtues

It is deciduous (shedding annually its leaves & other parts which are no longer needed & they re-grow) round shrub of 5 to 10 meters long; it is grown in all mediterranean regions, there are many types of it; it requires less water & can survive drought (excessive dry & bad climate) condition for several years. It takes 5 to 6 years for the tree to mature & produce its fruit (pomegranate) though the tree can begin to fruit within a year of planting & in the first few years the fruits mature late or drop before maturing. It has multiple spiny branches; there are few fruitless varieties of it which bear flower alone. A good draining rich, fertile soil is ideal for its growth. The tree is adapted to cool winter & hot summer.

Gross benefits of pomegranate: -Pomegranate – Benefits and Virtues

Antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti viral, anti fungal, antibacterial, promotes heart health, vascular health, it peel tea is good to stop loose motion because contents tannin, promotes bone health, best in diseases for recovery, best for weakness, digestion, liver function, blood formation, brain, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, maintains blood pressure, Sexual performance and fertility, Memory, Endurance and sports performance, helpful in Diabetes, best in typhoid, dengue, malaria, viral infection, epidemic etc.

  • Clinical pharmacology of pomegranate: -Pomegranate – Benefits and Virtues

Punicalagin are extremely potent antioxidants found in pomegranate juice and peel. They’re so powerful that pomegranate juice has been found to have three times the antioxidant activity of green tea. Pomegranate extract and powder is typically made from the peel, due to its high antioxidant and punicalagin content. Chronic inflammation is one of the leading drivers of many serious diseases; this includes heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer”s disease and even obesity.

Pomegranates have potent anti-inflammatory properties, which are largely mediated by the antioxidant properties of the punicalagin

Punicic acid, found in pomegranate seed oil, is the main fatty acid in the arils. It’s a type of conjugated linoleic acid with potent biological effects, it may help protect against several steps in the heart disease process.

Test-tube studies have shown that they can reduce inflammatory activity in the digestive tract, as well as in breast cancer, colon cancer cells & diabetes. Laboratory studies suggest that pomegranate extract may slow cancer cell reproduction and even induce apoptosis, or cell death, in cancer cells. There a lot more benefits mentioned in separate detail mentioned below in content section.

  • Modern uses of pomegranate: –

For general health: -Pomegranate – Benefits and Virtues

Take one medium size pomegranate, 1 date, 5 pieces of watermelon, 1 fig, 1 cup rain or zamzam water & 1 cup cow milk, 1 spoon pure honey prepare juice out of it & drink whole without filtering or staining, on empty stomach early morning once a week lifelong.

For heart health: –

Take one medium size pomegranate, 1 quince, 5 pieces of watermelon, 7 raisins, half cucumber, 1 spoon pure honey, 1 cup zamzam water, 1 spoon extra virgin olive oil & prepare juice out of it & drink without filtering it, on empty stomach early morning once or twice a week lifelong.

For weak digestion: –

Take 1 small pomegranate, 7 raisins, small piece of ginger, 7 seeds of fenu-greek seeds (methi), 7 seeds of black seeds (kalonji) soak all for 1 hour in water & boil it on low flame & strain (filter) & drink the tea on empty stomach 1 cup each times before meal for 7 days followed by twice a day for 7 days followed by once a day for 7 days.

For asthma & sinus: –

Take 7 seeds of kalonji crush it in little olive oil & put in both nostril 3 times a day for 11 days than alternative 11 days followed by once or twice a week till complete relief.

Take 1 fig, 1 small pomegranate, 3 raisins, 7 seeds of fenu-greek seeds (methi), add 1 cup zamzam water prepare juice out of it & drink without filtering it; daily empty stomach early morning for 21 days then alternative 21 days followed by once or twice a week lifelong.

For blood pressure: –

Take 1 small beetroot, 5 pieces of watermelon, 1 spoon of extra virgin olive oil, 1 cup zamzam or rain water, prepare juice out of it & drink it without filtering it, on empty stomach early morning daily once lifelong. Do not leave your blood pressure medicine without consulting your doctor.

For detox the body: –

Take 1 small orange, half lemon, 3 dates, little ginger, 1 small cucumber, 1 small beetroot, 1 spoon extra virgin olive oil, 1 spoon pure honey, 1 cup zamzam water, prepare juice out of these & drink the juice without filtering, every Sunday morning in breakfast & do not take anything in breakfast, drink lot of water till lunch & eat talbinah or barley broth in lunch every Sunday, by this your body will get free from harmful substance in your body.

For weakness or pre workout: –

Take 1 banana, 5 pieces of watermelon, 3 dates, 1 spoon pure honey, 1 beetroot, 1 cup water prepare juice and drink without filtering it, pre workout or in weakness once a day.

For loose motions: –

Take 1 pomegranate whole with its peel wash it properly & soak it whole (with its peel, arils etc) in 1 & half glass of water for 1 hour & boil it on low flame for 15 minutes & filter & add little sugar in it & drink it 3 times a day till complete relief from motions.

For dengue, malaria recovery: –

Take 1 pomegranate, 3 dates, half banana, half beetroot, 5 pieces of watermelon, half quince, 1 spoon pure honey prepare juice out of it, do not filter & drink once or twice a day till complete recovery.

  • Contents/constituents of pomegranate: – Pomegranate – Benefits and Virtues

All contents may not present in all types of it, because there are many varieties of it according to geographical regions & content may differ a lot as per cultivation, soil, seed, climate etc.

Arils: –

Vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, dietary fiber, sugar (fructose), protein little, folate, iron, magnesium, little sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese, tannin, ellagic acid (E.A), carbohydrate, ellagitannin (ETs) like punicalagin, anthocyanin of many types (delphinidin, cyanidin, pelargonidin) glycosides, poly-phenolic acids of many types (coumaric acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, gallic acid), coumarinic acid,

Pomegranate juice: –

Anthocyanin of various types, glucose, organic acids, vitamin C, EA, ETs, gallic acid, caffeic acid, catechin, quercetin, rutin etc.

Flower: –

Polyphenols, punicalagin, punicalin, ellagic acid (EA).

Leaves: –

Ellagic acid (EA), fatty acid.

Root & bark: –

Alkaloids, ellagitannin (ETs).

Seeds: –

Are rich in dietary fibers, also content carbohydrates, potassium, phosphorus, folate, vitamin B6, K, C, protein etc.

Seed oil: –

Punicic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, catalpic acid, eleostearic acid, omega 6 fatty acid etc.

Peel: –

Luteolin, quercetin, kaemferol, gallagic, glycosides, punicalagin, punicalin, pedunculagin, ellagic acid.

The above ingredients are based on scientific study, means these has been identified, known & learnt by modern science, it does not mean that it contains only these ingredients, there may be many more ingredients which are yet to be discovered, learnt & known by modern science.

For more benefits on other fruits have a read on Watermelon.

We also have another website on Halal or Haram.


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