Sunnah Quotes

Ajwa Dates as mentioned in Hadith

The ajwa dates have been popular throughout the Muslim World and have become even more popular due to the spiritual virtues they hold. We have includes some valuable information regarding ajwa dates by including some of the blessed hadiths as follows.

The Prophet  said, “Whoever ate seven dates from the area between the two stoney grounds of Al Madinah (i.e. the Haram of Al Madinah At Tayyibah) in the morning will not be affected by poison until the evening.“

(Sahih Muslim)

Al Imam An Nawawi (ra) mentioned another narration in his commentary upon this Hadith,

“Whoever started the morning with seven Ajwah dates will not be affected by poison or magic.“

(Sharh un Nawawi ‘alas Sahih Muslim)

Referring to eating seven Ajwa dates, the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, “He will not be harmed by anything until he reaches the evening.”[Sahih Muslim (2047)]

‘A’isha reported Allah’s Messenger (May peace be upon him) as saying: “The ‘ajwa’ dates of ‘Aliya’ contain heating effects and these are antidote in the early morning.” [Sahih Muslim, Book #023, Hadith #5083]

Ajwa dates is recommended by Prophet Muhammad as the best date.It is a date from Paradise . There is a hadith of Aisha which states that every house should have dates .(not Ajwa necessarily).

‘A’isha reported Allah’s Messenger (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) as saying: “’A’isha a family which has no dates (in their house) its members will be hungry; (or) ‘A’isha the family which has no dates its members may be hungry. He said this twice or thrice.” (Sahih Muslim, Book #023, Hadith #5079)

Hazrat Sa’ad Bin Abi Waqqas رضي الله عنه says that he fell ill, he had chest pain, Rasoolullah ﷺ visited him & kept His respected Palm on Hazrat Sa’ad رضي الله عنه chest, Hazrat Sa”ad رضي الله عنه felt the soothing effect in his whole chest & Rasoolullah ﷺ prayed for him, & said that Saad is suffering from cardiac problem. And Rasoolullah ﷺ advised to take Hazrat Sa”ad رضي الله عنه to Haris Bin Kuladah (a hakim) & said the physician should give 7 Ajwah (عجوة) (dates) of Madinah (المدينه) crushed, & with its seed grinded & put it in his mouth.
[Abu Dawud: 3875; Book. 29; English Book. 28; Hadith. 3866]

Hazrat Rafe Bin Umar Al Majni رضي الله عنه says, that Rasoolullahﷺ said that Ajwah (العجوة) & Sukhara (الصخرة) both are from Jannah (الجنة).
[Ibn Ma-jah: 3583; Book. 31; In English vol. 4; Book. 31, Hadees. 3456]

Hazrat Aisha رضي الله عنها says that Rasoolullahﷺ guided that The Ajwah dates of “Aliya” contain healing effects and these are antidote (for poisoning) if eaten early morning
[Muslim 2048; Book. 36; Eng Book. 23; Hadees. 5083]

Hazrat Saad رضي الله عنه says that Rasoolullahﷺ guided that eat 7 Ajwah (عجوة) (dates) early morning empty stomach, that day, the person will be saved from poisoning (سم) & black Magic (سحر) (witch craft).
[Bukhari: 5769; Book. 76; Eng vol. 7; Book. 71; Hadees. 664]

Hazrat Aisha رضي الله عنها says that Nabiﷺ guided to use 7 Ajwah (عجوة) (dates) of Madinah (المدينه) for 7 days; this helps in curing Juzam (الجزام).
[Abu Nu-aim: 899]
(Juzam is Kodh) (Leprosy)

Hazrat Sa’ad Bin Abi Waqqas رضي الله عنه says that he fell ill, he had chest pain, Rasoolullahﷺ visited him & kept his respected palm on Hazrat Saad رضي الله عنه chest, Hazrat Saad رضي الله عنه felt the soothing effect in his whole chest & Rasoolullahﷺ prayed for him, & said that Saad is suffering from cardiac problem. And Rasoolullahﷺ advised to take Hazrat Saad رضي الله عنه to Haris Bin Kuladah (a hakim) and said the physician should give 7 Ajwah (عجوة) (dates) of Madinah (المدينه) crushed, & with its seed grinded & put it in your mouth.
[Abu Dawud: 3875; Book. 29; Eng Book. 28; Hadees. 3866]

Narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه that Nabiﷺ said that Ajwah (عجوة) (dates) are from Jannah (الجنة) & in it there is cure (شفاء) for poisoning (سم), And Kamaat (الكماة) (Mushrooms or Truffles) are among Mann (المن) (a reward) & its water is cure (شفاء) for eye (العين) diseases.
[Tirmizi: 2208; Book. 28; English vol. 4; Book. 2; Hadees. 2066]
(Mushrooms or Truffles grow by their own & no human efforts are required so they are called as Mann)

We do have more information on Dates in general and the virtues behind them in the Islamic World which you will find very fascinating.

For those who know we have another sister website called Halal or Haram where you can find information about products to see if they are suitable for your diet.

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